Gluten (why does it make you feel yuck after eating it?!)

Do you suffer from bloating after eating a meal? If you say yes, this could be the reason why.

So…why is gluten bad for you?

It raises your blood sugar like real sugar

Modern refined wheat raises your blood sugar, just as if you were eating sugar! This starch is what makes bread light and fluffy. It also causes insulin spikes and contributes to insulin resistance which drives inflammation in the body, leading to increased fat storage, increased carbohydrate cravings, and a slower metabolism.

It increases Inflammation in the Body

The hybridization of modern wheat for increased yield and profit plus for drought resistance has resulted in an increase in gliadin the gluten proteins that are inflammatory and increase gluten sensitivity & celiac disease.

Gluten Damages Gut Lining Which Contributes to Leaky Gut and Auto-Immune Conditions

When our bodies have an intolerance to gluten, it can cause the gut cells to release zonulin, a protein that can break the tight junctions of cells apart, causing ‘leaky gut’. A leaky gut can wreak havoc on your body and especially your bladder – where toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles escape from your intestines and travel through to your bloodstream.

Our immune system is designed to deal with only bugs, parasites, viruses, molds, and fungi. Everything else is overwhelming to our immune system.

The most pressing issue is that the molecular structure of gluten proteins is similar to different tissues throughout the body, including the thyroid gland. When you eat gluten, the antibodies recognise the thyroid tissue as the invader and the body begins to launch an attack on itself.

Modern Wheat Is Sprayed with glyphosate

Wheat is often sprayed with glyphosate containing Roundup at harvest, which is highly toxic. It is used to desiccate or dry the wheat so that it is easier to get the grains off.

It’s in Just about Everything Refined & Processed!

  • most bread, crackers, wraps, and bagels

  • breakfast pancakes, cereals, pancakes and waffles

  • baked goods such as cakes, cookies, pastries, and muffins

  • pasta, noodles, dumplings, buns

  • snacks like energy bars

  • sauces and condiments including soy sauce and gravy mixes

  • and even beverages like beer!

Gluten Negatively Affects Your Skin

Dry and itchy skin, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne and other skin conditions can occur due to gluten intolerance and leaky gut. The best thing to improving skin is to avoid wheat and gluten. Healing gut lining is another topic which is important.

Gluten Increases Bloating

Bloating is a sign from our body that something’s not quite right in our digestive system.. One of the most common symptoms of gluten sensitivity is bloating and gas. You don't need to have celiac disease or a wheat allergy to feel the effects of gluten. A lot of people are suffering from undiagnosed gluten sensitivities, they don’t have to be celiac but they also feel the effect of gluten, myself included.

The Solution ?

I believe in prevention rather than cure. Eat organic & whole-food as much as possible. I know it takes a little more time to prepare but if you value your health and are in it for prevention, it’s totally worth it. In the long run, it’s much cheaper, easier and less painful than trying to fix the problem.

They are so many gluten alternatives, but you will need to do some homework and slowly change what you eat, if changing everything at once overwhelms you. Start when you run out of traditional flour, stop buying the same flour and swap it with something else like quinoa, coconut, buckwheat, rice flour, this is just the start. I am forever experimenting different food alternatives.

Plan out your menu for the week and cook on the weekend. You will save money and find your are less stressed during the week. Meal prep frees up your time to do the things you love during the week without having to worry about cooking. And best of all, you know exactly what you are eating!

You have the power and it’s at the end of your fork.

Pit XX

Pitsinee Chaisarn